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Thursday, November 26, 2020

How to avoid Jet lag & Cabin Pressure when flying


As Flying is becoming more of a routine activity for millions of people around the world, many of them have found ways to somewhat remove the effects that flying can cause.

For a first time flyer, or someone that is new to flying, there are some effect that flying has on your body. Such As:

- Jet Lag & Cabin (Air) pressure. 

However, there are certain things you can do to ensure that your flight is as comfortable as possible.

What is jet lag? 

Jet lag is when you travel across different time zone at a quick pace especially when there is a big different from your normal day and night times. It technically can be called a temporary sleep disorder. The more time zones you cross, the more discomfort you might face.

You can minimize the effects of jet lag in several ways:

- Get a good nights’ sleep before your trip. 

- Try to take a flight that arrives at night, so you can go straight to bed. Preferably take a nice warm bath before bed to relax your body. 

- Try Sleeping during your flight. 

- Stay hydrated 

- Try Sleeping Pills 

How to deal with Cabin Air Pressure 

1) Changes in air pressure can temporarily block the Eustachian tube, causing your ears to ‘pop’ or to experience a sensation of fullness. To equalize the pressure that is been applied to your ear, swallow frequently, chewing gum as well as yawning can also be effective. 

If the above method still isn't working, try the use of the ‘valsalva maneuver’: 

- Pinch your nostrils shut, then breathe in a mouthful of air.

- Using only your cheek and throat muscles, force air into the back of your nose as if you were trying to blow your thumb and finger off your nostrils.

- Be very gentle and blow in short successive attempts. When you hear or feel a pop in your ears, you have succeeded. 

2) Babies are especially troubled by these pressure changes during descent. Having them feed from a bottle or suck on a pacifier will often provide relief.

3) Avoid flying if you have recently had abdominal, eye or oral surgery, including a root canal. The pressure changes that occur during climb and descent can result in discomfort. 

4) Air pressure changes and the duration of your flight can cause your feet to swell up. Try not to wear new or tight shoes while flying and try walking abit during a long haul flight. 

5) Airplanes is a mostly dry environment to start of with. Alcohol and coffee both have a drying effect on the body.

6) Sit towards the front of the aircraft, before the start of the aircraft wings and aircraft engines.

The more precautions that you take maybe the difference between a Good holiday or a bad one.

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