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Monday, November 09, 2020

Travelling in Zimbabwe - The Ultimate travel guide to Zimbabwe

The Ultimate guide to Zimbabwe: 

Let start off with where is Zimbabwe located.

Zimbabwe is a land-locked country in Southern Africa, bordering Mozambique, South Africa, Botswana,  Zambia and Namibia

Zimbabwe Capital City is Harare

However travelling to major populated cities in Zimbabwe can be a safety concern, due to riots and shortages of supplies. 

Wondering whether it is safe to travel and how your travel experience might be affected. 

In these situations some suggestions that you may use.  

- Zimbabwe’s tourism industry is driven by well-established operators 

- Speak to your local contacts and specialists on which areas to avoid. 

- Sticking to normal tourist routes, and avoiding ‘ Crime hot spots’, 

- The remoteness of most tourism facilities, may help reduce Safety concerns 

Back to Zimbabwe tourist information🙂 

The best way to travel in Zimbabwe, is via your tour operator. 

Zimbabwe now uses USD as form of payments as well as ZAR (South African Rand)

- Use small denominations. 

- Advisable to exchange Currencies before your trip to Zimbabwe 

- Most tourist establishments across the country accept VISA payments, but it is always advisable to carry some cash as a back-up. 

Vaccination against malaria is recommended. A consult with your travel is also recommended.

Language in Zimbabwe: English is widely spoken.

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What to experience in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe host an iconic Big 5 adventure and you will discover diverse landscapes from lush mountains and rivers beeming with wildlife.  

Zimbabwe is not only home to five UNESCO World Heritage Sites but also boasts a Natural Wonder of the World – the mighty Victoria Falls. 

The Zambezi River runs along Zimbabwe’s and Zambia’s border and flows over the spectacular Victoria Falls.

The best time to visit Zimbabwe is from November through to April, which brings about the rainy season. Peak season is from July to September due to prime wildlife viewing, great white river rafting and canoeing on the Zambezi River. 

Victoria falls

If you’re travelling to Victoria Falls in the rainy season be sure to pack rain boots and a rain coat

Victoria Falls is Zimbabwe’s main attraction and known locally as the ‘Smoke That Thunders’. There is no doubt why, when looking at this impressive phenomenon surrounded by lush rainforest and abundant wildlife, it has been named one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. 

Gushing over a 1.6 kilometre-long cliff before plunging into the Batoka Gorge, the sheer volume and force of the water will take your breath away. Explore it from all angles during spine-tingling walks and expect to be blown away by the majestic power of it all.

Victoria Falls will be the starting point of your adventure. This amazing location will get the adrenaline rushing through your veins with bungee jumps or boat cruise along the Zambezi.


One of the most dramatic spots is the westernmost point known as Cataract View, where steps lead down to outlooks of Devil's Cataract, a dramatic view of the falls often accompanied by a rainbow like effect. 

Heading back eastwards takes you past multiples viewing points of the main falls, where you'll witness the drama with full 180 degree views.

Another track leads to the aptly named Danger Point, where a sheer, unfenced 100m drop-off will rattle your nerves. From there, you can follow a side track for a view of the Victoria Falls Bridge

There are many tour guide and tour operators that will be able to guide you, for an additional amount. Most times this method is perfered when you want to get the most out of this attraction. 

Also Victoria Falls has its own international airport. 


There is rafting activities all along this region but nothing compares to the might of the Zambezi river immediately downstream of Victoria Falls. 

Safari Activities:

Hwange National Park,One of the oldest national parks on the continent, and the largest in Zimbabwe at 14,650 square kilometres. 

The Main attraction of this park, are the park’s elephants, with an estimated of 40 000 tuskers roam the park. There is also possibility of a walking safari with an experienced guide. 

This park is accessible by road, and can be reached from Victoria Falls in about 1.5-2 hours

Zimbabwe has never needed your support more than it does today. It allows us to continue to serve our industry and contribute to the conservation for our wildlife whilst serving our local communities.

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